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Could this “eye trick” actually give you the memory of a 25 year old?

Sounds like a fantasy, right?

It’s NOT!

But you’re not the only one who thinks it sounds far-fetched…

Because when I first heard about this “eye trick”, I was skeptical too.

After all, everyone’s memory starts to fade as we age… I always thought it was one of those things you had to put up with as you get older…

But now new science out of Harvard has busted that myth wide open.

Dr Holly Lucille Dr Holly Lucille Dr Holly Lucille

Hello, my name is Dr. Holly Lucille.

I’m a licensed naturopathic doctor. You may have seen me on The Dr. Oz Show or The Doctors, in the past.

And while I’ve talked about a lot of exciting discoveries when I appeared on those shows, none of them comes close to this…

Because new clinical studies confirm how this simple “eye trick” could help you regain your youthful recall.

Even better, this “eye trick” works no matter how many candles you blow out on your birthday cake. It could work for almost everyone.

This “eye trick” takes just 30 seconds a day.

And you can do it anywhere.

So now you could have a stronger memory too.

Just imagine…

Having conversations with friends without losing your train of thought…

Learning something new without struggling to remember the details later…

Introducing people at a party without fumbling for their name…

And even more important…

Never worrying about losing your precious memories…

Forgetting your grandkids’ names…

Or ending up in a nursing home.

Sad senior Sad senior

It’s all possible now thanks to this simple “eye trick”.

So you’re probably wondering…. what do your EYES have to do with your memory?

It turns out… everything!

You see, Harvard scientists have uncovered the reason why some 90 year olds… even 100 year olds… have the memory of a 25 year old.

These sharp-thinking 80, 90, and 100 year olds are called “SuperAgers”.

People play videogames People play videogames

And their memories are remarkable.

SuperAgers can remember every detail of a conversation…

Names of people they met only once…

And the exact right word they need to complete a crossword puzzle.

These SuperAgers can also focus on complex paperwork with ease…

Multi-task better than people half their age…

And quickly master video games to play with their grandchildren.

Researchers have spent decades trying to solve the mystery of how these SuperAgers stay so sharp…

And now Harvard scientists have finally cracked the code.

It’s all about SuperAgers’ EYES!

It turns out their eyes are the key to a little-known yet incredibly powerful memory retrieval system.

What’s more, now researchers agree that problems with this memory retrieval system are what can cause memory loss.

Person holding pencil Person holding pencil

That’s because - if you’re not a SuperAger – this system starts breaking down as you age.

But now you could repair it with a simple “eye trick”!

In the Harvard study, scientists gave 40 SuperAgers an extremely difficult memory test.

At the same time, they viewed the SuperAgers’ brain activity using functional magnetic resonance imaging or fMRI.

fMRI is more advanced than typical MRIs because it shows how different parts of the brain react to challenges. Basically, it shows the brain “in action” when working on a problem.

And to really put these SuperAgers up to a challenge, the scientists gave the same difficult memory test to a group of 25-year-olds. And compared their youthful memories up against the SuperAgers.

The scientists also used an fMRI to view the activity of the brains of these young people while they completed the test.

Old and youg person Old and youg person

And they were floored by what they saw when the young and old participants were working on the memory test.

Because a certain part of the brain lit up like a Christmas tree in both the SuperAgers’ brains and the 25 year olds’ brains.

This part of the brain is called the visual cortex.

The visual cortex processes the images sent from your eyes and commits them to your memory.

Eye and brains Eye and brains

And Harvard scientists now confirm it’s the visual cortex that’s the true source of the amazing memories of SuperAgers.

Even more remarkable, the SuperAgers performed the difficult memory test EXACTLY as well as the 25 year olds!

And it’s all because of the power of their eye-memory connection in the visual cortex – the ultimate memory retrieval system.

But to be 100% sure about this eye-memory connection’s power, researchers decided to try something weird…

But to be 100% sure about this eye-memory connection’s power, researchers decided to try something weird…

They had 102 men and women listen to a recording of a voice listing 20 lists of words.

And here’s where it gets weird…

Because the researchers wanted to see if something as simple as an eye movement would make a difference in the volunteers’ memory…

So they asked some of the volunteers to move their eyes back and forth horizontally before listening to the recorded words.

Then the researchers tested the volunteers’ recall…

And they were shocked to see that the volunteers that wiggled their eyes back and forth before trying to memorize the words had a dramatically improved recall!

Woman thinking Woman thinking

That’s mind-blowing…

Just by wiggling their eyes, their memory soared!

So it’s clear this eye-memory connection could be the answer to holding on to your precious memories.

And it works like a phone connection.

Dialing directly from your eyes to the root source of your memory, your visual cortex.

When your eye-memory connection is strong and clear, everything gets through on this memory “phone line”.

But as you age, this connection can become weaker and weaker.

It’s like having a phone call with a friend…. but you have a bad connection.

You hear parts of what they’re saying… and miss others.

So you might remember where you put your keys… but forget what you were talking about in the middle of a conversation.

Worse yet, over the years less and less of the things you want to remember get through on this memory “phone line”.

Leaving you with more “senior moments”.

And if you’re over 50, you know how frustrating… embarrassing…. and frankly, SCARY “senior moments” can be.

That’s why I’m so excited to tell you about this simple “eye trick”.

Sleepy man Sleepy man

And no, it’s not wiggling your eyes!

While the results of that eye-wiggle study were impressive, the men and women volunteers were college students.

So their eye-memory connection was strong.

No, the secret is rebuilding your weak eye-memory connection.

And I’ve uncovered 2 unique nutrients that are scientifically proven to work together like an “eye trick” to effortlessly rebuild this connection…

….so you can enjoy the memory of a 25 year old just like a SuperAger.

And the proof is rock solid

Brain of food Brain of food

These two nutrients have been clinically shown in hundreds of studies to improve memory, focus, and sharp thinking in seniors.

The first nutrient is a powerful rebuilder of this eye-memory connection…

Here’s why…

This nutrient is already well-known for its ability to reboot your memory.

But now new science shows this nutrient is also vital for your eyes!

The latest study found that this nutrient actually builds the retinal cells in your eyes.

And other studies confirm how this nutrient supports your healthy eyes AND your visual cortex – reconnecting your memory “phone line”.

In a study published in The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, scientists recruited 1391 men and women aged 36 to 83 years old.

Then for 9 years, they recorded the volunteers’ intake of this nutrient.

At the end of 9 years, the scientists used a battery of tests to evaluate each volunteer’s memory, ability to learn, attention, and multi-tasking.

They also gave the volunteers an MRI to see the volume and condition of their brains.

Happy woman Happy woman

Result? Stunning!

The volunteers who got plenty of this nutrient in their diets maintained their youthful memory. They even had younger-looking brains in the MRIs!

And volunteers who didn’t get much of this nutrient suffered from memory lapses, trouble with problem solving, and brain fog.

So what is this nutrient?

Well, its discovery was so monumental it won the scientist who discovered it the Nobel Prize in Medicine!

You may have guessed it by now…


It’s called choline. Or what choline becomes when you take it: acetylcholine.

As you may know, acetylcholine is the messenger that helps your brain cells “talk” to each other.

Acetylcholine is what makes your memory lightning-fast when you’re young.

But as you age, your brain makes less and less of it.

Even worse, it’s estimated that a staggering 90% of Americans are deficient in choline – the nutrient you must have for your body to make acetylcholine.

So pop a choline pill and you’re all set, right?

Melecule Melecule


Unfortunately, choline supplements are not easily absorbed or used by your body. So you won’t get the benefits.

But here’s good news. There’s a new breakthrough form of choline that’s easily absorbed by your body.

Even more important, this form of choline can cross the blood-brain barrier.

This is essential. Because by getting past the blood-brain barrier, this form of choline goes straight to where you need it in your brain.

alpha-gpc alpha-gpc alpha-gpc

And also - because this form of choline is so easily absorbed - it’s also going to where your eyes need it.

Making it a powerful re-builder of your eye-memory connection.

This form of choline is called alpha-glycero-phosphocholine. Or ALPHA-GPC.

And the science behind alpha-GPC is jaw dropping.

Because alpha-GPC does more than just boost your memory… it could restore it.

In a recent study, researchers gave 2,044 people with severe memory loss alpha-GPC daily.

And in just 28 days, these people who struggled to remember a word or other simple things had an incredible improvement in their memory…

In fact, a whopping 71% of them had NO forgetfulness at all anymore!

Even more astonishing… they still had no memory problems a full 6 months later.

So you could put an end to forgetfulness… for good!

In another gold-standard study, 100% of the seniors taking alpha-GPC got a faster, better memory.

Puzzle Puzzle

That’s extremely rare in any study… a 100% SUCCESS RATE!

And other studies confirm these results… showing how alpha-GPC could put an end to your memory problems.

But alpha-GPC is just part one.

Because if you’re over age 50…

And you want to enjoy a crystal-clear recall for years to come…

Then you need this second nutrient that finishes the job at rebuilding your eye-memory connection.

Clinical studies show that people with high levels of this nutrient in their bodies have a strong memory…

But people with low levels of this nutrient have such poor memories they forget the names of people they’ve known for years… where they parked their car at the grocery store… and the easy recipe for their favorite holiday dish.

The thing is, for years scientists couldn’t figure out why this nutrient was so essential for your memory…

That’s because this nutrient is known for SLOWING DOWN your brain…

So you wouldn’t guess it could SPEED UP your memory!

Rocketman Rocketman


I’m talking about GABA.

As you may know, GABA is a neurotransmitter just like acetylcholine. So it helps your brain cells communicate.

Research confirms that GABA also sends information back and forth from your eyes to your brain.

So GABA is essential for maintaining your eye-memory connection.

But can GABA actually rebuild this eye-memory connection?

Scientists decided to find out.

In a recent study published in the prestigious Science journal, scientists increased the GABA levels a group of young and old monkeys.

And the scientists saw that the old monkeys’ brains were suddenly acting like the young monkeys’…

Gaba Gaba

That’s because the old monkeys’ eye-memory connection had been supercharged… just by taking GABA!

But that study was on monkeys. Does GABA make a difference in people?

You betcha!

In a new study, researchers gave 30 men and women over 40 years old either GABA or a placebo for 12 weeks.

Then they had the volunteers take cognitive and memory tests.

And the difference the GABA made was astounding.

Because the GABA group saw dramatic improvement in their memory, ability to focus, and problem solving.

The GABA group even reported a better quality of life. They actually FELT better!

And other research confirms how GABA even helps people prioritize better… plan things effectively… and enjoy enhanced thinking.

That means GABA is like a “smart” nutrient!

So when you combine Alpha-GPC and GABA, you could completely rebuild your eye-memory connection to get the fast recall of a SuperAger.

Man lookig through microscope Man lookig through microscope

And these are the only nutrients I’ve seen that can do this.

But before you run out and buy Alpha-GPC and GABA pills, there’s something you need to know.

These two nutrients are powerful, but they’re not enough on their own if you want to hold on to your sharp thinking for life.

That’s because there are two other brain aging problems these nutrients don’t fix.

So you need nutrients that target these other big problems.

That’s why I reached out to a group of professional researchers and laboratories here in the US.

It’s a group called PureHealth Research

Knowing how many people are suffering from age-related cognitive problems, we started to put together a nutritional formula that combines Alpha-GPC and GABA with other proven brain-recharging nutrients.

It’s called Ageless Brain.

Ageless Brain contains the exact right amounts of Alpha-GPC and GABA to rebuild your eye-memory connection.

But – of course - we didn’t stop there…

Because the next ingredient fixes one of the most dreaded brain-aging problems…

This problem is how certain proteins can build up in your brain as you age.

Rocketman Rocketman

These proteins form bird’s-nest-like tangles in your brain that slow down the signaling of your brain cells.

And the more these proteins accumulate, the greater the damage to your mental abilities…

Giving you more and more memory problems, fuzzing thinking, and trouble focusing…

Worse yet, these brain tangles can get so bad it could make it impossible for you to hold on to your independence.

That’s why this next ingredient is so essential.

It’s an herb that’s been used in Ayurvedic medicine for centuries to fight age-related memory loss…

And now modern science proves how potent it is for fighting brain tangles.


Bacopa Bacopa

It’s called Bacopa monnieri.

And Bacopa is shown in clinical studies to not only BLOCK these brain tangles…

…Bacopa even BREAKS them down and clears them away!

That’s right, the medical scans showed the brain tangles were completely GONE!

And the evidence showing how well Bacopa works is impressive.

In one study, 60 elderly men and women were given either Bacopa or a placebo.

They were also given memory and cognitive tests before, during, and after the study.

And in just 12 weeks, the men and women saw dramatic improvements in their focus, memory, and quick-witted thinking.

And countless other studies continue to pour in showing how Bacopa is one of the most powerful weapons against brain aging found in Nature.

Keeping your brain free of tangles that can clog your thinking…

And helping you say “no” to the nursing home!

That’s why we included the most effective dose of Bacopa monnieri in Ageless Brain.

With just these 3 ingredients I’ve told you about, Ageless Brain is one of the best brain supplements I’ve seen.

But to be sure Ageless Brain is THE best in its category, we also included…


Tyrosine molecule Tyrosine molecule Tyrosine molecule

Tyrosine is an amino acid that’s well known for its ability to improve alertness, attention and focus.

But what is less well known is how tyrosine works to restore your cognitive flexibility.

Cognitive flexibility is your ability to quickly switch between mental tasks… solve problems… and adapt to new changes.

So no matter what life throws at you, you handle it with ease and confidence.

But your cognitive flexibility can get worse with every passing year.

Making it harder to manage the challenges of daily life.

That’s why scientists wanted to test tyrosine and see if it helped improve cognitive flexibility in people.

So they gave 22 men and women tyrosine or a placebo.

Then the researchers tested the volunteers’ cognitive flexibility.

And they saw that the people taking tyrosine had significant improvements in their ability to handle challenges and switch tasks.

That’s amazing. Suddenly problem solving was a snap for these people!

That means this simple nutrient could help you easily figure out new technology…

…organize and plan a tour of France with your spouse...

..and feel smart and on-the-ball when talking with friends and family.

Three elderly people speaking Three elderly people speaking

That’s why adding tyrosine to Ageless Brain was an obvious must-do.

So with Ageless Brain you get…

Alpha-GPC and GABA that work together to rebuild your eye-memory connection – the SuperAger secret to the memory of a 25 year old…

Bacopa monnieri that blocks and clears away brain-clogging tangles so you can hold on to your sharp thinking and independence at any age…

Ageless Brain product

And tyrosine that restores your youthful cognitive flexibility so handling problems and multi-tasking is a breeze!

When you take these nutrients together in Ageless Brain, you could stop brain aging in its tracks. And enjoy a healthy mind and memory for life.

And you’ll NOTICE the difference…

But don’t take my word for it. Here’s what other people just like you have to say about Ageless Brain:

Julia raves about her recharged memory…

“Before taking Ageless Brain I used to joke around saying if it wasn’t for my bad memory I wouldn’t have any memory at all. It took a week to two before I noticed I wasn’t having those brain fart moments. You know - those moments where you could see an item in your head but you couldn’t remember the name of it. Yeah, that was me and that lack of memory used to drive me crazy. Now while taking Ageless Brain, the words flow with ease. No more getting lost in the middle of a conversation. No more going into a room and forgetting what I had gone there for. It works and works well. I will never be without it again.”

And Peter M. says…

“I am a 90 year old man and have, for some time, been feeling a bit foggy in my brain. I have to admit I was skeptical when first reading about Ageless Brain, but decided to try one bottle. I am down to one week’s supply left, and I am excited to tell you that my thinking is sharp and so clear, with accurate recall. If anyone is in doubt...don't be!!! Give Ageless Brain a shot...you just might be amazed.”

Frank N. has stopped losing his keys…

“I always lost my keys at least 3 times a day. And I spent about 15 minutes looking for them. But after about 5 servings of Ageless Brain I never lost my keys since. Ageless Brain really helped me.”

And Ida loves her renewed ability to focus…

“I am more alert than I had been for a while. I feel more calm as I am not anxious trying to remember stuff. Definitely more alert - being able to concentrate and work without "mental distraction or noise" as I call it.”

Those are some spectacular results!

Ageless Brain product in hand Ageless Brain product in hand

But the most important experience is YOURS.

That’s why I encourage you to test it yourself.

Once you receive your supply of Ageless Brain, open the bottle and take two easy-to-swallow capsules before your next meal.

Then, continue taking Ageless Brain every day…

…and do nothing else.

No need for brain teasers or memory exercises.

Then notice how after a few weeks or even a few days…

You’re not having embarrassing “senior moments” as often…

You’re recalling old happy memories you haven’t thought of in years…

You’re easily keeping your train of thought in conversations…

You’re knowing all the right answers while watching your favorite game show…

And when you go to the grocery store, you don’t even need a list to remember every item.

Sometimes it feels like your brain is powered up on some kind of genius jet fuel.

And you suddenly realize a whole new world has opened up for you…

A world where you never worry about your mental abilities… and no one else needs to worry about you either.

Happy senior couple Happy senior couple

Instead, you’ll be making the years ahead truly Golden Years… filled with travel, adventure, and wonderful times with your spouse, family, and friends.

All from just taking 2 little pills a day.

So now it’s up to you to take this first step.

And here on this page we’re making you a special offer today.

But it’s only going to be available at this price for a very limited time. Here’s why…

Ageless Brain bottle Ageless Brain bottle

When we put the finishing touches on Ageless Brain, we decided we would charge $129 per bottle.

And when you think about all the time that went into testing and researching…

… plus finding the highest quality ingredients and the exact right dose…

Along with how life-changing this formula could be…

Well, I think you’ll agree…

… it would be a bargain at that price.

After all, how much is it worth to you to get back your youthful brain power?

And feel relaxed and confident…knowing your best days are ahead of you?

If you’re anything like most people I know, you’d pay hundreds and even thousands to be able to regain your youthful memory, focus, and clear thinking.

But I know $129 is out of reach for a lot of people.

And I want to make Ageless Brain available to everyone who needs it.

Dr. Holly with product Dr. Holly with product

So I sat down with the folks at PureHealth Research and they agreed to bring the price down to $49.

Think about it… that’s just $1.63 a day. That’s less than a cup of coffee!

And you can save even more by selecting a 6 month supply at checkout. Which is the smart move… and works out to only $42 dollars a month or just $1.40 a day!

We were able to bring the price down because we’ve cut out a ton of costs by selling Ageless Brain directly to you…

There’s no storefront overhead to shell out. And there’s no middleman getting his cut.

That’s why we can send you our science-backed products made with premium ingredients straight to your front door… at wholesale prices!

And here’s the best part…

If Ageless Brain doesn’t work exactly as I’ve promised today…

Simply send me an email and I’ll send you a full and courteous refund.

That’s because every bottle of Ageless Brain is fully backed by my 365 day Money Back “Younger Memory” Guarantee.

Three bottles Three bottles

Either you’re absolutely thrilled with Ageless Brain…

… and you have a WHOLE YEAR to decide…

… or you get every penny back.

No questions, no hassles. Just a big “thank you!” for giving Ageless Brain a try….

So there’s absolutely no risk when you say “yes” and order today.

Just click the button below to claim your supply.

But that’s not all…

Because when you try Ageless Brain today, I’m also going to give you two FREE Bonus eBooks.


The first one is called “12 Simple Brain Savers to Help Increase Your Memory & Focus.”

Inside you’ll discover 12 easy at-home ways to boost your memory and focus…

… so you can remember passwords, appointments, and birthdays without post-its or reminder notes!

This eBook is worth $39.95… and it’s yours FREE.


The second eBook is also worth $39.95. It’s called…

“Smoothies for a Healthy Mind”

You’ll get delicious smoothie recipes that supercharge your brain…

So you could master something you’ve always wanted to learn - like a new language or photography!

That’s $79.90 in FREE gifts when you try Ageless Brain today.

And these bonuses are yours to keep whatever you decide.

There will be no further cost or obligation. This way you risk nothing.

So click the button below this article now…

When you click the button, you will be taken to a secure checkout page.

This checkout page is completely secure because we use an encrypted merchant account with the same high level security as websites like Walmart and Amazon.com.

So you can enjoy peace of mind knowing that your information is 100% safe.

On that secure page simply tell me where to send your supply of Ageless Brain and enter your payment info.

Three bottles with badge Three bottles with badge

Then I’ll take care of the rest.

So are you ready to make memory problems a thing of the past?

The way I see it, you have two choices.

Choice one: you can close this page and simply hope things don’t get worse.

Leave your memory and mind’s health to chance.

Or you could choose option #2.

You could use Ageless Brain to help restore your memory to that of a 25 year old.

You could use Ageless Brain to help restore your memory to that of a 25 year old.

All you have to do is click the button below and tell me where to send your supply of Ageless Brain.

And if you’ve read this article this far, it shows how important your precious memories are to you. So I hope you’ll choose option #2.

Remember, when you try this breakthrough today you’ll get the biggest savings that will ever be offered.

And no matter what you decide, you’ll have a full 365 days to try Ageless Brain for yourself.

Dr. Holly Dr. Holly

So you have nothing to lose… and a lifetime of sharp thinking to gain.

But I urge you to act now.

Because of high demand, supplies are selling out fast.

And if you put it off, we may not have any more in stock until we get the next batch in.

So click the button below now.

Thanks for sharing this time with me today. I’m Dr. Holly.

Click the button below to secure your risk-free supply of Ageless Brain now.

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